Sentit | change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically. |
Sinònims | acudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure, viatjar |
Causat per | viatjar | make a trip for pleasure |
Implicat per | arribar a, arribar, assolir, contactar, pegar | Reach a destination / destination, either real or abstract |
Específic | abalançar-se, llançar-se, precipitar-se | Move with or as if with a rushing / rushing sound |
accelerar, afanyar-se, apressar, cuitar, donar-se pressa | Move very fast |
acompanyar | go or travel along with |
acostar-se, apropar-se, arribar, derivar, provenir, resultar, venir | Move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody |
afanyar-se, apressar, cuitar, llençar-se, precipitar-se, precipitar | Move fast |
aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar | Move upward |
allunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimir | pull back or move away or backward |
anar a quatre grapes, arrossegar-se, gatejar, reptar | Move slowly |
anar en ferri | travel by ferry |
anticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-se | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
apropar-se, aproximar-se, arribar, venir | Cover a certain distance |
arremolinar, serpejar, serpentejar, vagar | To move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course |
arrossegar-se, caminar sense ganes | Move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly |
avançar, continuar, procedir, prosseguir, seguir | Move ahead |
botar, rebotar, saltar | Move up and down repeatedly |
caminar | Use one's feet to advance |
caminar, deambular, girar, rondar, vagabundejar, vagarejar, vagar | Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment |
canviar, fer transbord | change from one vehicle or transportation line to another |
caure | descend in free fall under the influence of gravity |
circular, difondre's, escampar-se, espargir-se | Become widely known and passed on |
circular | Move in circles |
conduir, impulsar | travel or be transported in a vehicle |
congregar-se | Move as a crowd or in a group |
davallar, descendir | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
descarrilar | Run off or leave the rails |
donar voltes, fer voltes, rodar | Move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle |
empaitar, perseguir, seguir | Follow in or as if in pursuit |
empaitar, perseguir, seguir | To travel behind, go after, come after |
esquiar | Move along on skis |
flotar, nedar, surar | Be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom |
flotar, nedar, surar | Be in motion due to some air or water current |
girar | Pass to the other side of |
llenegar, lliscar, relliscar, rossolar | To pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly |
lliscar, planar | Move smoothly and effortlessly |
muntar | Sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions |
navegar | Travel at a moderate speed |
nedar | Travel through water |
passar | Move past |
pisar, trepitjar | put down or press the foot, place the foot |
precedir | Move ahead / ahead (of others) in time or space |
propagar-se | Travel through the air |
regressar, reincorporar, retornar, tornar | Go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before |
secundar | Travel backward |
seguir | travel along a certain course |
sortir a corre cuita | To move hurriedly |
tallar el vent | Move with a whishing sound |
titubar, trontollar, vacil·lar | Move slowly and unsteadily |
transportar en transbordador, travessar en transbordador | travel back and forth between two points |
viatjar | Travel upon or across |
viatjar | Undergo transportation as in a vehicle |
volar | Travel through the air |
zigzaguejar | travel along a zigzag path |
També | acabar, passar, transcórrer | pass by |
aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar | Move upward |
allunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimir | pull back or move away or backward |
anticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-se | Move forward, also in the metaphorical sense |
circular, difondre's, escampar-se, espargir-se | Become widely known and passed on |
continuar, prosseguir, seguir | Continue talking / talking / talking |
davallar, descendir | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
elevar-se, enfilar-se, escalar, grimpar, muntar, pujar | go upward with gradual or continuous progress |
enfonsar-se, esfondrar, naufragar, submergir-se, sumir-se | go under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned" |
fugir | run away |
passar | Move past |
pondre's | disappear beyond the horizon |
Contrari | quedar-se | Be stationary |
Similar | desplaçar, moure | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
Anglès | travel, go, move, locomote |
Espanyol | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar |
Noms | desplaçament, moviment, trasllat | The act of changing location from one place to another |
desplaçament | A movement through space that changes the location of something |
força motriu, locomoció, motricitat | The power or ability to move |
locomoció | self-propelled movement |
moviment | A natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something |
viatgera, viatger | A person who changes location |